Copyright © 1998 --> 2008 Adelaide Hills On-Line

Disclaimer: For the business pages Adelaide Hills On-Line relies on the information provided by the businesses featured. For all other information (ie. tourism, community, coming events, etc) Adelaide Hills On-Line relies on the Adelaide Hills Council & local town Councils, State Government & other resources (ie. library books, community groups, etc). Every effort is made to update information within two working days of receipt of that information. However, no responsibility will be taken by Adelaide Hills On-Line for information that is incorrect or outdated, or for the products or services offered by businesses in the Adelaide Hills On-Line business pages. For more information please e-mail:

Copyright: All text, files and images remain the property of Adelaide Hills On-Line, or of the clients of Adelaide Hills On-Line where images and text have been provided to Adelaide Hills On-Line by the businesses concerned. Images and files may not be copied or used by anyone without the express permission of Adelaide Hills On-Line. Images designed for printing and use by the public (ie forms, pictures for colouring in) will be clearly indicated on the document concerned. Text from the site may be printed and used by the public for purposes of personal use and information (ie. printing competition or business details for personal use). For more information please e-mail: